Invest today in Oakland's future by ensuring that all young people can reach economic prosperity, regardless of income or background. To give by mail, please direct your check made out to Oakland Promise to 360 Grand Avenue, #363, Oakland, CA 94610. To make a gift electronically, please click on the Donate Online button below. To discuss all other giving opportunities and options (e.g. setting up a bequest, establishing a named scholarship, making an in-kind donation, etc.), please reach out to our Chief Development Officer, Arbour Decker, at [email protected].
College savings accounts opened for kids for Brilliant Baby and Family-Owned K2C CSAs
Oakland's public school students awarded an Oakland Promise Scholarship during their K-12 school years
of newly-awarded OP Scholars enroll immediately following High School graduation
of Oakland Promise Scholars persist from Year 1 of postsecondary and successfully enroll in Year 2
We strive to make college and career technical education (CTE) affordable for families through scholarships, college savings accounts, and higher education tuition policy and partnerships.
We provide guidance and advisory support to help families plan for the financial commitments needed for post-secondary education completion.
We share information, expectations, resources, and financial guidance with parents and caregivers so that they feel confident in supporting their student to make college or career technical education a reality.
We support students to and through post-secondary education by providing resources, mentorship, guidance, expectations, college-culture and community.
We want to engage the Oakland community to advance equity and economic mobility through cradle-to-career educational opportunities.
Learn more about the 2B Scholarship
“This scholarship is the ultimate reason why I decided to pursue higher education, and why I've managed to stay in college all through academic, emotional/mental, and financial support.”
“Through the work of Future Centers and the Oakland Promise, we are seeing more students apply to, be accepted in, and prepared for a diverse range of internships across the City of Oakland that ultimately set them up for successful entry into careers. In addition, the staff in the Future Centers help them to envision what their career aspirations are as well as the pathway and steps to get there. Oakland Promise recognizes the importance of and creates pathways of success not only of 4-year degrees, but also 2-year degrees, dual enrollment, certificate programs, and the trades. “
Executive Director of College and Career Readiness/High School Superintendent, OUSD
“I was very grateful that I didn't have to get a job this year... I appreciate the support and advice from Oakland promise staff overall. There were times when I felt like dropping out, but I realized I would probably let a lot of people down.”