The Brilliant Baby program supports children’s early healthy development and school-readiness by setting up college savings accounts for babies, offering financial coaching to parents and caregivers, and building a supportive community with the whole family.
Start Saving for College Now!
Your baby is 3 years old or younger.
Your baby currently lives in Oakland and was born in Alameda County.
Your household meets income eligibility for Medi-Cal, WIC, SNAP or TANF.
Check Medi-Cal EligibilityIf you meet ALL of these eligibility requirements, please click below to sign-up for an enrollment appointment:
Log in here to access the Brilliant Baby Enrollment Portal.
Each child enrolled in Brilliant Baby receives a 529 College Savings Account seeded with $500. These college savings accounts are held at my529, one of the top college savings companies in the country. This money will grow over time and be a resource to help pay for the child’s post-secondary school expenses.
Brilliant Baby offers financial literacy classes followed by 1:1 financial coaching to help new enrollees to pursue their hopes and dreams for their families with an eye towards sending their kids to college one day.
Have a College Savings Account seeded with $500
Participate in Financial Coaching
Brilliant Baby makes me feel my child can pursue education after high school
Are preparing to be first-generation college graduates
Brilliant Baby makes me feel empowered to plan for my financial future.
Collectively invested for post-secondary education
Brilliant Baby helps families set their children on a path towards kindergarten readiness and ultimately a future that includes college! Our program materials and events are available in multiple languages.
We host monthly orientation meetings for new families as the first step in our Financial Literacy and Coaching program. We also offer monthly educational workshops called Community Connections. Participants learn about child development, how to support early literacy skills, and other resources available to Oakland families. Most events are hosted on Zoom, with occasional in-person opportunities.
Families that sign up for Brilliant Baby receive bimonthly e-newsletters with program highlights, registration links for events, and tips on parenting, educational and financial topics. They are also posted on our website for everyone to enjoy! Click “View Newsletter” to read a few.
Follow us on Instagram @brilliantbabyop! There is a lot of useful information for families with children ages 0-5. Enrolled Brilliant Baby families may also join our private Facebook group. When you ask to join, we’ll confirm your identity then welcome you to the group.
Program Coordinator, Brilliant Baby
Senior Program Manager, Brilliant Baby
Director, Brilliant Baby
Program Associate, Brilliant Baby
Program Coordinator, Brilliant Baby
Brilliant Baby partners with early childhood programs, pediatric clinics, and other social service providers that bring critical resources to families with new babies and toddlers.
"We didn't know anything about finances and so didn't know how to save. [The coach] helped us grow and learn to save money. Yesterday when the attorney called to tell us we need $600 for our legal residency application, we felt good that we already have $400 and only need another $200 to pay this bill.” (Translated from a Spanish language survey)
The Brilliant Baby program means a lot to me and my family. It is the best program. It helps me a lot financially [and] mentally because we are thinking better for the future of our son. The resources they gave us were very helpful. We are very happy with the Brilliant Baby staff. Very attentive kind we love you, thank you very much. (A Parent - Translated from Spanish)
Quote is Translated from Spanish
"Through financial coaching and joining this program, I've met more moms, learned more about money management, gained life skills, and overall have a better future." (Translated from a Cantonese language survey)
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