College Success Starts with K2C (Kindergarten to College)
All families with K-8th grade students: Sign up for your account now!
Starting in the fall of 2016 and onward, every Oakland public school Kindergartner and 5th grader has $100 set aside in their Oakland Promise Scholarship account. You also have the option to open a family-owned college savings account.
In addition, eligible public school students can get a $500 college savings account from the State of California through CalKids. Click here for more information.
View your Oakland Promise Scholarship account
Earn another $75 through a family-owned college savings account
Into your personal college savings account
Students earn additional scholarship amounts at 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th & 12 grade if they graduate from an Oakland public high school and enroll into post-secondary.
Our goal is for each elementary school student in Oakland to think of themselves as a college-bound individual. Here are the aspects of our program that help make that happen:
K2C will support your family to open up a savings account for college and earn a one-time $75 when you open the account. K2C partners with two organizations: my529 & Self-Help Federal Credit Union. Your family can choose which option best fits your family's needs.
Choose this option if:
Choose this option if:
Implementing K2C
Awarded an early college scholarship since the 2016-2017 school year
Opened by families with the help of K2C
Attended financial literacy and academic workshops
With savings accounts for college would be first in their families to graduate college.
Participating in K2C rated “Excellent” in building College-Going culture.
K2C partners with different community based organizations to offer students and families financial, academic, and general well-being resources
Kindergarten to College (K2C) initiative is a component of Oakland Promise’s cradle to career approach. K2C aims to lay the foundations...
NORC is collaborating with the Oakland Promise to better understand impacts of programs the Promise is implementing to promote access into and completion of college for Oakland students. Oakland Promise is taking a “cradle-to-career” approach to providing Oakland’s children with the skills, resources, and aspirations to graduate from high school, complete college and be successful in a career of their choice. Oakland Promise programs include Brilliant Baby, the Kindergarten to College initiative (K2C), the Future Centers program (for middle school [FC-MS] and high school [FC-HS]) and the College Scholarship & College Completion (CSC) program.
News from NORC
Program Coordinator, Kindergarten to College (K2C)
Program Associate, Kindergarten to College (K2C)
Program Manager, Kindergarten to College (K2C)
College and Career Center / OUSD Liaison
“During distance learning caused by the COVID 19 pandemic, the partnership with K2C was invaluable. K2C partnered with us by creating incentives to improve academic engagement for our 5th graders and Kindergarteners. The presence of K2C was felt throughout our school community through the Innovation Grant and school supplies.”
from Lincoln Elementary
“I’m going to be honest, I think you guys did an excellent job. Everyone had to move everything to distance learning. Especially the college week, I loved the ceremony. I logged onto the 6:30 one and there was one boy super into it ... I thought you guys did an excellent job and it was well thought out. You gave the families many opportunities to join in different events this year as well.”
at Carl Munck
“The K2C program and early college scholarships do so much to help build a strong college and career culture at our school! Not only does the program provide workshops for students and families but the city-funded early college scholarships have allowed families to begin having conversations at home around college and bring our students one step closer to achieving their future goals.”
at Bella Vista
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