Oakland Promise is available to young learners (from newborns to college students) and their families who reside in Oakland. OP offers every child the financial resources, educational programming, mentorship, and a supportive community to help them and their families, to seek out and thrive in higher education and the career of their choosing.
A thriving Oakland community without barriers to educational opportunity.
Engaging the Oakland community to advance equity and economic mobility through cradle to college and career achievement.
In 2016, Oaklanders came together to make a promise to every child in our city, offering them the resources, support, coaching, and incentives they need from birth and throughout their school years to empower them to seek out and thrive in the higher education and career of their choosing. With equity as a focus, Oakland Promise works to give kids and their families the opportunity to make this promise a reality.
In 2019, Oakland Promise and East Bay College Fund (which has been supporting college students since 2003) merged into one unified organization named Oakland Promise. OP is a founding partner of the Northern California College Promise Coalition (NCCPC). A detailed independent report on OP’s work and effectiveness can be found here that was developed by the Center of Assets, Education and Inclusion (AEDI) at the University of Michigan.
Oakland Promise is a 501c3 non-profit public benefit organization registered with the State of California’s Attorney General Department of Justice. Federal tax ID is #54-2103707 and is listed here with the IRS as a public charity and tax-exempt organization. OP’s 501c3 non-profit status is further verified and confirmed in this IRS letter. All contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law. As a 501(c)(3) organization, OP does not directly or indirectly participate in, or intervene in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office.
To understand more about Oakland Promise’s history, merger and nonprofit work, please read this document (as of January 2022). Here is OP’s November 2022 Community Briefing Report and also our November 2021 Community Briefing Report.
Oakland Promise is a Platinum-Level GuideStar participant, with a seal demonstrating our commitment to transparency; Oakland Promise also has a Charity Navigator “Overall Score of 100 out of 100 in the Finance & Accountability” category in 2021 and rated as a “Four Star Charity”.
EBCF’s mission was to help resilient public high school seniors, under-represented in higher education, go to college and expand their life opportunities.
The vision was to have a community that would ensure every child in Oakland graduates high school with the expectations, resources and skills to complete college and be successful in the career of his or her choice.
OP and EBCF had been partnering for a few years already and it was determined the overall leverage of a combined organization would create more effectiveness and efficiency in supporting young people in the continuum from birth to career.
During this pandemic, we migrated many of our in-person programs and services to virtual venues while maintaining all our support for the Oakland community. We continue to innovate, partner and collaborate with organizations to support youth and families to become more resilient to achieve their dreams.
We deliver direct service through our four programs where we support young learners (and their families) with financial, advisory and resource services to complete their post-secondary education.
We mobilize educators and partners to scale our impact throughout the Oakland community.
We strive to influence policies and systems changes that advocate for young learners and their families. We accomplish this by providing thought leadership, recommendations and formation of key partnerships and coalitions.
Our FY 2023 Budget is Applied to Optimize Impact
Programs services for kids, students, families or programs
Direct payment to kids, students and families (includes scholarships and CSAs)
General & Administrative
* Programs Services for kids, students families or programs: This category includes any expenditure spent directly on students, families or programs. Programs include staff dedicated fully or partially towards the advancement of a program effort that has a direct impact on students and/or families. More specifically this includes all of OP’s programs, data, communications and assigned portion of G&A labor FTE that work directly on programs.
To make a difference for Oakland’s young people, it takes collaboration with so many organizations that intersect with the educational ecosystem.
The alignment of all stakeholders leads to a likelihood of success for all our students and creates funding opportunities to make systemic change.
Harlem Children’s Zone, Oakland NAACP, Oakland Children’s Hospital, Latino Men and Boys, African American Male Achievement (AAMA), African American Female Excellence (AAFE) Sage Financial Solutions and many more.
Oakland Unified School District (OUSD), Destination College Advising Corp (DCAC), higher education institution partners (HBCUs, UCs, CSUs, Peralta Colleges, Mills) and many more.
Mayor’s Office, City of Oakland, #OaklandUndivided, Oakland Thrives, Northern California College Promise Coalition (NCCPC), Promise Net, OnePercent for Education and many more.
PG&E, City of Oakland, OUSD, San Francisco Foundation, Michael Moritz and Harriet Heyman/Crankstart Foundation, Koshland Family Foundation, Arthur Rock and Toni Rembe Rock, Marc and Lynne Benioff, Moyer Washington Fund, Hellman Foundation and more.
City of Oakland, OUSD, San Francisco Foundation, Michael Moritz and Harriet Heyman/Crankstart Foundation, Koshland Family Foundation, Arthur Rock and Toni Rembe Rock, Marc and Lynne Benioff, Moyer Washington Fund, Hellman Foundation and more.
We have a team that works with our board, advisory board, partners and volunteers across a network to create a movement that helps young people achieve their potential.
East Bay College Fund Founder
Strategic Partnerships Executive, Business Development Leader
Kaiser Permanente East Bay, Director of Public Affairs
Olson Remcho, LLP, Partner, OP Board Secretary
Bay Area Community Resources (BACR), Associate Professional Clinical Counselor, Attorney at Law in Private Practice
CEO Action for Racial Equity Fellow and Principal at PwC
Oakland Unified School District, Superintendent
Oakland Unified School District, Teacher, Elementary
PolicyLink, CEO, OP Board President
SpencerStuart, Partner
Mission Bay Development Group, Managing Principal, OP Board Treasurer
Former East Bay College Fund Board Secretary
Board Vice President*, Former EBCF Board President
PG&E Community Relations Senior Director, The PG&E Corporation Foundation Executive Director
Senior Assistant Dean of Academic Programs and Dean of Students at University of California, Berkeley, Goldman School of Public Policy
Dean of Students, UC Berkeley Goldman School
President & CEO, Oakland Chamber Of Commerce
Fmr. President & CEO, UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland; Associate Dean for Children's Health
CEO, The Unity Council
President, NAACP Oakland
District 7 Director, OUSD School Board
President & CEO, East Bay Community Foundation
CEO, La Clinica De La Raza
CEO, First 5 Alameda County (Retired)
Chief Innovation Officer, Blue Shield of California
Former Executive Director of Alumni And Constituent Affairs, UC Office Of The President
Chancellor, Peralta District
Superintendent of Schools, Alameda County
President, Paul Quinn College
County Administrator, Alameda County
Assemblymember, California State Assembly
Supervisor, Alameda County
Program Coordinator, Kindergarten to College (K2C)
Program Associate, College Completion
Program Coordinator, Brilliant Baby
Chief Development Officer
Accounting Associate
Associate Program Manager, College Completion
Program Coordinator, College Access
Middle School Coordinator, College Access
CREWS Program Coordinator
Senior Program Manager, Brilliant Baby
HR Coordinator, Human Resources
Manager, Grants & Accounting
Program Associate, Kindergarten to College
Partnerships Manager
Development Associate
Associate Manager of Matriculation and Persistence
Mentor Program Manager
Operations & Accounting Coordinator
Director, Brilliant Baby
Program Associate, College Completion
Senior Manager, Finances and Reporting
Head of People and Operations
Director, Impact and Evaluation
Associate Manager of Institutional Giving, Development
Development Manager
Program Coordinator, College Completion
Director, College Completion
Program Associate, Kindergarten to College (K2C)
Communications Manager
Operations Associate, College Access
Program Coordinator, College Completion
Senior Program Manager, College Completion
Program Coordinator, College Completion
Program Manager, Kindergarten to College (K2C)
Financial Analyst
CEO, Oakland Promise
Program Coordinator, College Completion
Director of Partnerships
Manager, Human Resources & Operations
Chief Program Officer
College and Career Center / OUSD Liaison
Program Coordinator, Brilliant Baby
Mentor Program Coordinator, College Completion
Senior Program Manager
To achieve our bold vision, it is essential we partner with strong Oakland organizations.
Organizational Champions endorse the Oakland Promise and align to shared community outcomes.
Financial Coach, Brilliant Baby
Financial Coach, Brilliant Baby
Financial Coach, Brilliant Baby
Financial Coach, Brilliant Baby
Financial Coach, Brilliant Baby
Financial Consultant, Brilliant Baby
Financial Coach, Brilliant Baby
Financial Coach, Brilliant Baby
I am impressed by the bold and comprehensive approach of the Oakland Promise which has pulled together best practices from around the country. As former US Secretary of Education, I've seen many initiatives across the country ---- Oakland Promise is one of the most strategic and effective and has the potential to be a national model... it leverages private philanthropy for public dollars and has already achieved outstanding results. OP changes the trajectory of our Oakland students from the time they are born, through the time they graduate from college and enter the workforce. Oakland Promise is truly a game changer for Oakland and its future generations.”
Former Secretary of Education under President Barack Obama (2009-2015)
“(The) Oakland Promise focuses on family education early and often, offering financial education and student support, making college a reality for thousands more kids. By the time they apply for college in their senior year, (the) Promise students are ready to succeed, knowing that financial assistance and guidance is available. The Oakland Promise scholarship for non-tuition expenses gives them that extra boost to reduce college costs, so critical for low-income students to complete a college degree or career-technical certificate.”
Executive Director, College Promise Campaign; Former U.S. Under Secretary of Education (2009 - 2013)
"(The) Oakland Promise supports students and families on their journey to higher education by coupling direct financial aid with critical college access counseling and support. The total cost of attending college, including transportation, housing, and supplies, is out of reach for many Oakland students. In addition to coaching families through the college grant and scholarship application process, (the) Oakland Promise helps alleviate some of these cost barriers with gap-filling grants to support students' successful college enrollment and completion.”
Executive Director of California Competes: Higher Education for a Strong Economy