Financial Literacy and Coaching Program

Brilliant Baby parents have the opportunity to attend financial literacy classes then 1:1 with a certified financial coach whose role is to help them clarify and achieve their financial goals for their families.

Why do Brilliant Baby families participate in the Financial Literacy and Coaching Program?

In addition to clarifying their financial goals, this is an opportunity to meet with other families who are also thinking about sending their children to college one day. To encourage participation, we provide $250 stipends to families who attend all 3 of these classes.

Why Does Oakland Promise Brilliant Baby Offer a Financial Literacy and Coaching Program?

Financial literacy classes aim to provide accurate information about personal finances, open a safe space for meaningful conversation, and promote participation, collaboration, and the creation of a community. Additionally, the classes will serve as the time and space for clients to determine if they need additional and more in-depth support with individual financial coaching.

What are the Components of the Brilliant Baby Financial Literacy and Coaching Program?

  • Orientation Meeting: New families learn about all of the benefits of being a Brilliant Baby family. This is also a prerequisite for our Financial Literacy classes.
  • Financial Literacy Classes: Groups of 5 meet weekly to learn financial basics with a certified coach over a 3 week period.
  • Individual Financial Coaching: Clients meet 1:1 with their coach for up to 2.5 hours after completing all 3 Financial Literacy classes.

Our Approach

Financial coaching is a client-centered approach that is personalized and adapted to the needs and learning styles of each client. Financial Coaches work with parents to help them set concrete and realistic financial goals, develop a plan to achieve their goals, and identify quality financial products and services to support their success.

For More Information

For More Information To learn more about Brilliant Baby Financial Literacy Classes and Coaching, please contact Senior Program Manager Diego Pinto at [email protected] or by text at (510) 256-7176.

Our Financial Literacy Program Process

All parents who enroll in the Brilliant Baby program are invited to participate in our Financial Literacy Program! This is optional, and it will not affect your child’s Brilliant Baby college savings account, but we highly recommend opting into this part of our program. Soon after enrolling, you will receive an invitation to get started. Below are the components of our Financial Literacy and Coacying Program.


Attend an Orientation Meeting on Zoom
You will receive a text message from Brilliant Baby with several upcoming options in multiple languages. Select the one that works best with your schedule. We offer them once per month.


Sign up for Financial Literacy Classes
After attending an orientation, you will receive a text message inviting you to sign up for Financial Literacy Classes. This is a 3-week series, meeting on the same day and time each week. Classes last about an hour and have a maximum of 5 participants.


Attend All Three Financial Literacy Classes
The financial coach facilitating the meeting will talk about the basics of finances, savings, credit and more. After your 3rd class, you will complete a feedback survey. Then Oakland Promise will start processing your $250 stipend. In addition, towards the end of your 3rd class, your coach will offer to meet with you individually. We hope you'll choose to participate!


Request Individual Financial Coaching
Oakland Promise provides additional time for clients who complete the Financial Literacy classes to meet 1:1 with their coach. We recommend you take advantage of this opportunity if you would like to work on individual financial goals.

Brilliant Baby Financial Literacy Class Stipends

To recognize the time spent in our Financial Literacy Classes, we offer a stipend that the client may use however they would like, though we encourage families to save those dollars for the future. Following is how they work:

  • Brilliant Baby caregivers earn $250 after attending a program orientation and 3 Financial Literacy classes.
  • We process stipends beginning on the 25th of each month, with families receiving their stipends within the first two weeks of the following month.
  • Payments through Zelle are preferred; those requesting payments in the form of a check make arrangements to pick them up at our office located at 484 - 9th Street in Oakland.